The working group on renaturalization of watercourses at the State Agency of Water Resources of Ukraine has developed a roadmap for renaturalization of watercourses for the next 10 years, which contains three main blocks: legislation, implementation and public promotion activities
The State Water Agency notes that according to the results of the assessment of risks of anthropogenic impacts on water status in the preparation of river basin management plans, 62% of surface water massifs are identified as being at environmental risk, 40% – at risk of hydromorphological changes. These data will be the basis for the formation of a program of measures for river basin management plans, which, inter alia, include measures for renaturalization.
Oksana Viityk, Deputy Director of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources, emphasizes that the development of measures to renaturalize watercourses is extremely important to restore small rivers to their natural appearance, which are an integral part of the water fund and whose condition is an indicator of the entire river network. , including in the postwar restoration of river basins.
It will be recalled that in accordance with the criteria recommended by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the Krasnosilka River (flowing on the territory of Belz TG and Sokal TG of Chervonohrad district) and Bolotnya on the territory of Chervonohrad , Belz TG and Velikomosti TG of Chervonohrad district).
The road map can be found here:
road map