For the fourth year in a row, Drohobych has paid parking zones on the city’s central streets. We are talking about parking lots on M.Lysenko, I.Frank, D.Halytskyi streets, as well as Sholom-Aleichem and in the central part of the city – entrance from I.Mazepy street.
Parking meters are installed in paid parking zones, which allow the driver to pay for the occupied space.
Paid parking lots in the city of Kotermaka are serviced by KP “Municipal Management Service”. It was reported there that for the past year, from January to December, the income from the activities of the parking division amounted to UAH 2,667,000. Of them, KP “SMU” paid taxes to the budgets of all levels from the activities of the parking division – UAH 2,577,000. Of them: personal income tax – UAH 132,700, social security tax – UAH 100,600, military duty – UAH 11,100, parking fee – UAH 1,888,000.
KP “SMU” claims that paid parking zones are primarily intended to relieve the central streets of the city of Drohobych from the chaotic accumulation of traffic.
According to Volodymyr Souda, head of KP “SMU”, free parking of a vehicle is allowed at all paid parking lots for 10 minutes after the end of the paid parking time.
In case of non-payment, a fine is provided in the amount of 20 times the cost of an hour of parking, i.e. UAH 200. (according to Article 152-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). Fines are issued by the Department of Control and Security of the Department of Urban Economy. They claim that last year they reviewed 4,777 administrative cases on the commission of administrative offenses provided for in Part 1, Part 3 of Art. 122 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and Part 1 of Art. 152-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. 1 million 467 thousand hryvnias were paid by citizens for violation of parking rules.
In addition, special vehicles are exempted from paying for a parking space during the performance of direct official duties (Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Emergency Service, emergency medical aid, emergency specialized transport of city utility services, etc.). As well as vehicles driven by persons with disabilities with damage to the musculoskeletal system, their family members, to whom the right to drive a car has been transferred, etc. As well as residents of buildings located (adjacent) along the boundaries of the carriageway of streets on which paid parking spaces are allocated.
In addition, an interactive map of the city’s parking lots is available on the DMR internet portal in the “Smart City” section.