Forests were planted in 30 locations.
Today, the 6th quarter, a spring tree planting campaign started in the Lviv region. Forest workers, volunteers, community organizations, children and everyone willingly planted trees in 30 forest plots in the Lviv region.
Before the landing on the territory of the Verblyansky forest, which is not far from Busk, the head of the Lviv ODA, Maxim Kozitsky, arrived.
“We planted about 6 thousand oak and pine trees at once. Zagalna Square is about one hectare. And as a result, nearly 180 thousand trees were planted in 30 locations in our region. Just before the first half of the day, people came, for which the great GO “Dobro.Diya” and Igor Dulin, who with his team have been fighting the foxes for 11 years already. Thank you to the residents of communities, the clergy, volunteers, children and everyone else who would like to spend their Saturday in such a way.
We wish our farmers and farmers that it is possible to plant forests on our native land. Let all these oaks and pines take root and become part of the forest of our success, and let our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren breathe in the bosom of a free, strong, independent state,” said Maxim Kozitsky, a resident of the Lviv region.
The organization “Dobro.Diya” is admired by Igor Dulin. The team has planted trees for 11 years, during which time they have already planted approximately 2 million trees.
“Trees are a symbol of rebirth, trees are a symbol of joy, trees are a symbol of the future and the legacy of the planet. Unfortunately, Muscovites have already blamed nature a lot, but we believe that Ukraine will soon be able to restore our ecology. Until then, we are waiting for you at the end, but we will be all over Ukraine! We commend everyone for their love for our state,” said Igor Dulin, head of the Good Action State Organization.
This trend was developed during the spring afforestation campaign and the initiative of the President “Green Country”.
Before the landing, we also received: Lviv Regional Rada, Western Interregional Administration of Forestry and Mysli State, Carpathian Forest Office of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” and Regional Municipal Specialized Forestry Department vengeance “Galsillis”.