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Last year, residents of the region handed over almost 38 kilograms of mercury for recycling

Last year, residents of the region handed over almost 38 kg of mercury for recycling: what to do if a hazardous substance is found or spilled

Mercury is an extremely toxic substance that can cause serious harm to both human health and the environment.

Although the production of mercury-containing devices such as thermometers has been discontinued in Ukraine since 2012, mercury can still be found in household appliances such as fluorescent lamps and old thermostats.

The Department of Civil Protection of the Lviv Regional State Administration reminds people what to do in case of mercury detection or spillage, and where they can safely hand in such devices for recycling.

According to the department, since the beginning of 2023, more than 100 cases of mercury detection in the home have been recorded. In just one year, residents of the region handed over approximately 37.9 kg of mercury for disposal.

In 2024, the Department of Civil Protection and Territorial Defence of the Lviv City Council has already collected 26.5 kg of mercury for further disposal in Lviv alone.

If you have a mercury spill in your home, for example, when a mercury thermometer breaks, you need to act quickly to minimise the risk of mercury vapour poisoning:

  • Get everyone out of the room immediately, especially children, the elderly and people with sensitivities to toxins;
  • protect your respiratory system – cover your mouth and nose with a damp gauze bandage;
  • open windows for ventilation, but avoid drafts to avoid spreading mercury vapours;
  • collect the mercury using a rubber band or a piece of paper. Under no circumstances should you use a vacuum cleaner – this will only increase the evaporation of mercury.
  • place the collected mercury in an airtight glass jar with water or potassium permanganate solution and close it tightly;
  • If you have a serious mercury spill or are unable to collect it yourself, contact the emergency services immediately by calling 101.

Symptoms of mercury vapour poisoning

Mercury poisoning is dangerous because symptoms may not appear immediately. Here are the main signs:

  • Headache, weakness;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Trembling of the hands or the whole body;
  • Heart palpitations;
  • Irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and throat;
  • Nausea, vomiting.

If you notice these symptoms, especially after contact with mercury, you should seek medical attention immediately.

First aid for mercury poisoning:

  • Remove the victim to fresh air.
  • Rinse eyes and mucous membranes with water if there has been contact.
  • Call an ambulance.

If possible, turn off all heat sources in the room where the mercury has spilled to reduce the rate of evaporation.

“Each of us must be aware of the seriousness of the danger posed by mercury. Lack of proper response to a mercury spill or improper disposal can lead to catastrophic consequences for life and health. I urge all residents of the region to be careful and to hand over mercury devices for recycling to special collection points in a timely manner,” said Ihor Tuz, Director of the Civil Protection Department of the Lviv Regional State Administration.

If mercury devices are found (on the territory of the region’s communities), it is necessary to immediately notify the local emergency and civil protection authorities or the police.

In Lviv, mercury devices can also be handed in at the following address: 7 Donetska St. (room 201, second floor), Department of Civil Protection and Territorial Defence of Lviv City Council.

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