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Триває процес трансформації Винниківської санаторної школи у науковий ліцей

Reformatting of the institution should be completed by 2027.

Yesterday, October 3, the deputy head of Lviv OVA Ivan Sobko and the director of the department of education and science of LOVA Oleg Paska made a monitoring visit to the Vinnykivsk comprehensive boarding sanatorium school of grades I-III, during which they got acquainted with the robotics office.

Two years ago, as part of the 2019 Local Development Project Competition of the Lviv Regional Council, the institution won the opportunity to equip a STEM cabinet (robotics cabinet). The budget of the project was UAH 415,000, of which UAH 200,000 was allocated from the regional budget, 127,000 from the budget of the city of Vinnyki, and 88,000 from sponsorship funds.

This is important, because according to the forecast network of lyceums of the Lviv Oblast, approved by the order of the head of the Lviv OVA, by 2027 the Vinnytsia Sanatorium School should be reformatted into a scientific lyceum, and robotics will be one of the profiles.

The office consists of two rooms. In one room there is a steam laboratory, which is used in biology, chemistry and physics classes, in another there is a digital learning center, where students can use laptops, tablets, a projector, a printer, study remotely, and attend journalism classes. Free day camps are held in the office in winter and summer.

Also, the shelter, which is designed for 600 people and accommodates all students and staff, was repaired at the school.

“In order to transform a school into a scientific lyceum, the appropriate material and technical base and training of teaching staff must be provided. The transformation of the institution into a lyceum is already underway. Information and technology profile, robotics, communication technologies and sports will be developed here.

There will be three scientific lyceums in the region in Lviv, Sokal and Boryslav. In the new lyceums, schoolchildren will be able to master information technologies, robotics, biotechnology and fundamental sciences.

I would like to add that in January of last year, the then Vinnykivsk and Lviv sanatorium schools signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Lviv Polytechnic National University and the Lviv Polytechnic Science Park, which includes, in particular, the development of joint educational programs for lyceum students,” said Ivan Sobko.

We will remind you that in November 2022, the Lviv Regional Council decided to reformat two sanatorium schools of the region into scientific lyceums, in particular, the Vinnykiv Sanatorium School and the Lviv Sanatorium School named after B.-I. Antonych (now Lviv Scientific Lyceum named after B.-I. Antonych). As Oleg Paska noted, over the next five years (until 2027), students of sanatorium schools will gradually be transferred to general secondary education institutions at their place of residence, and students who will receive specialized education will study in scientific lyceums. Employees of sanatorium schools, including medical personnel, continue to work.

For reference:

According to the amendments to the Law “On Comprehensive General Secondary Education”, which entered into force in 2021, by 2027 Ukraine should implement the reform of the education system (or the reform of the New Ukrainian School (NUS for short)). According to it, from 2027, school education should be divided into three levels:

primary (1-4 years of study);
basic (5-9 years of study). Basic school will be called gymnasium;
senior specialized school (10-12 years of study) will be called a lyceum.

In some cases, an elementary school can be part of a gymnasium or a lyceum. Likewise, a lyceum can include a gymnasium and an elementary school.


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