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In April, Lviv supported the army with UAH 71 million

The community of Lviv continues to support the Ukrainian army. As Mayor Andriy Sadovyi summarized, in April 2024, the city purchased and handed over various equipment and machinery worth UAH 71 million to our defenders.

In particular, during the month, as part of the Lion’s Revenge initiative, we purchased: 1755 drones and UAVs, 30 EcoFlows, 7 electronic warfare systems and other necessary equipment for soldiers to fight the enemy. In total, in the first four months of 2024 (from January to April inclusive), Lviv supported the army with UAH 266 million.

As a reminder, Lviv constantly allocates funds for defense and support of the military defending Ukraine from Russian occupants. According to the city’s program of support for the Armed Forces, at the request of military brigades and units, the city buys what is urgently needed at the front line or provides subventions for it. These are drones, cars, radios, and various specialized technical items. In fact, the city hall receives several requests for such assistance every day.

In total, the budget of the Lviv City Council for 2024 provides UAH 1 billion for the purchase of equipment and supplies for the Armed Forces of Ukraine alone.

By the way, on the eve of Easter, Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi visited the defenders in the Zaporizhzhia sector and handed over equipment to them.

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