The mayor’s office has approved the structure of the executive bodies of Lviv city council and the total number of staff of the council and its executive bodies: 72 positions have been added. This decision was supported at a session of the Lviv City Council on 12 September.
“We are adding one position in the Zaliznychnyi district administration. After all, more than 100 houses that came under attack are located in Zaliznychnyi district. Every day we meet with the affected residents. The work of the administration is destabilised. It needs at least three more people,” said Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi.
During the discussion, the session also decided to increase the number of positions in the Department of Historic Environment. There will be 6 new positions. After all, there are more than 2,500 cultural heritage sites in the area of responsibility of this department.
Thus, according to the resolution, the following number of positions was added
- Department of Historic Environment Protection – 6;
- Department of Education – 9;
- Department of Children’s Services – 3;
- Department of Health – 3;
- Department of Economic Development – 9;
- Department of Tourism – 1;
- Railway district administration – 1;
- Department of Humanitarian Policy – 6;
- Department of Communal Property – 2;
- Department of Administration and Community Development – 4;
- Department of State Registration – 4;
- Legal Department – 3;
- Financial Policy Department – 4;
- State Control Department – 1;
- Inspectorate of Architectural and Construction Control – 2;
- Department of Natural Resources, Construction and Community Development – 2;
- Department of City Mayor’s Administration – 3;
- Department of Service Administration – 1;
- Capital Construction Department – 1;
- Office of the Executive Committee – 5;
- Human Resources Management Office – 1;
- Organisational management – 1.
Thus, the total number of employees of the executive bodies of the city council will be 1673.
As a reminder, Lviv has the smallest number of city council employees compared to other large Ukrainian cities.
“We compared the ratio of population to the number of city council employees in Ukrainian and European cities. And here, Lviv has the lowest figures,” Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi explained earlier.
According to the analysis conducted by the legal department of the Lviv City Council, the ratio of the number of officials per one thousand people was determined. Compared to cities such as Kharkiv, Dnipro, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Lviv has the lowest ratio – less than two, although the overall ratio in Ukraine is 2.8 local government officials per one thousand people. If we analyse the number of officials in European cities, the average ratio is 3.5 or more officials per thousand population.