Traffic engineers of Lvavtodor have launched the “green wave” mode of coordinated traffic signal control on Chornovil Avenue.
It is about synchronizing traffic lights located at: Chornovil Avenue – Zernova Street; Chornovil Avenue – School No. 53; Chornovil Avenue – Pid Dubom Street; Chornovil Avenue (bicycle crossing); Chornovil Avenue – Khimichna Street. The coordination works in the direction away from the city center. This way, drivers will be able to pass this section without stopping and reduce travel time.
“Our company’s specialists are conducting research on the possibility of coordinating traffic lights where traffic controllers have been replaced. For example, two “green waves” for traffic lights on Horodotska Street have recently been launched, and today we have also launched them on Chornovil Avenue,” said Mykola Vlasiuk, director of Lvivavtodor.
It should be noted that the issue of including the traffic light facility on Chornovil Avenue – Zernova Street in this project was not easy, as there is an unregulated pedestrian crossing between it and the next traffic light facility. The intersection of Chornovil Ave. and Pid Dubom St. also has a rather complicated configuration: an unregulated exit after a regulated pedestrian crossing and often a long queue for making a left turn, which slows down the traffic that continues to move along Chornovil Ave.
“The offsets between these traffic lights were selected based on the research conducted on the travel time of this section. It is also worth noting that the effectiveness of coordination between the first two traffic lights during peak hours is significantly reduced due to a significant increase in the load on the Chornovil Avenue crossing between Zernova Street and the school No. 53, as well as an increase in the number of pedestrians using the unregulated pedestrian crossing,” said Roman Kinder, deputy director of Lvivavtodor.