The first course “Driver of motor vehicles of category “B”” starts on 20 November.
The NGO Centre for Women’s Perspectives, with the assistance of the Lviv Regional Employment Centre, is announcing a retraining course for veteran families.
Participants of the programme can be:
- Female and male war veterans,
- women (mothers/wives/adult daughters) of war participants and veterans who took part in hostilities.
- Women (mothers/wives/adult daughters) from the families of deceased war veterans who participated in hostilities since 24 February;
- internally displaced women.
The first course “Driver of category B vehicles” starts on 20 November and will last for five days. To join the course, please fill out the registration form at: https://forms.gle/RFwkfuUhyWzUMQDW8
In addition, we are announcing enrolment for retraining courses (starting in January 2025) in the following professions
- administrator – organisation of work with personnel and customer service at restaurant and hotel service enterprises;
- cook’s assistant in hotel and restaurant business (technology of preparation of cold dishes and snacks, sushi, pizza);
- seamstress-designer – technology of manufacturing and artistic decoration of clothing and interior materials using modern types of sewing equipment;
- operator of an unmanned aerial vehicle;
- hairdressing: “Basic haircuts: Basics for men and women”;
- Modern car diagnostics: from theory to practice
The final stage of the courses is to obtain a certificate confirming the qualification of the acquired speciality. To become a student of one of the courses, you need to register and fill in the form. Next, you need to choose one profession in which you would like to retrain. Registration form for retraining courses is available at: https://forms.gle/RFwkfuUhyWzUMQDW8
This event is made possible by the support of the UK Government through the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Commonwealth Affairs and Development of the United Kingdom as part of the Women. Peace. Security: acting together”. It is implemented by the Ukrainian Women’s Fund. The information presented at the event does not necessarily reflect the views of the UK Government, the Ukrainian Women’s Fund and the Government Commissioner for Gender Policy.