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Reconstruction of Shevchenko Street is underway in Lviv

Підрядник проводить роботи, які дозволяють погодні умови

As LKP “Lvivavtodor” reported, reconstruction works on the street Shevchenko does not stop. However, taking into account the weather conditions, the contractor carries out those works that are possible under such conditions – reconstruction of engineering networks, laying cases of outdoor lighting and telephone communications, etc. Yes, works on the section from the street. Yatskov to St. Bortnyansky completed by 70%. This section was planned to be open to traffic by the end of the year, but now everything will depend on the weather.

“Last week’s weather could not but affect the course of repair work. Despite this, as part of the reconstruction of St. Shevchenko, on the plot from St. Yatskov to St. Bortnyanskyi tram plates have already been completely installed. Here, the work was carried out at a positive temperature and the site was covered with a protective material to protect the base for the tram slabs from getting wet.

As for the section from the street Bortnyanskyi to st. Yaroslav the Wise, last week we continued to install a sewer collector with a diameter of 1000 mm and connected gutters to water drainage networks from buildings. On both sections of the street, the laying of cases for outdoor lighting and telephone communications continued,” the LKP Lvivavtodor reported.

We would like to remind you that from June 1, 2021, the III stage of the reconstruction of the street began. Shevchenka – the area from St. Ya. Mudrogo to St. Railway.

The reconstruction project of Shevchenko Street provides for the reconstruction of all engineering networks, the construction of the carriageway and the new tram tracks combined with it in the middle of the street, the arrangement along the carriageway on both sides of the bicycle lanes, the arrangement of pockets for ambulances, emergency services and temporary parking for the cars of the residents of the buildings. Also, the arrangement of sidewalks and pedestrian zones with the provision of comfortable conditions for the movement and rest of groups of the population with limited mobility, the arrangement of a contact network of the tram, street lighting, improvement of the street space.

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