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A reconstructed school was opened in Pidberiztsy, Lviv region

Almost half a hundred places for preschoolers and almost a hundred for students were created here.

Today, December 20, the reconstructed building of the Pidberiztsiv educational and educational complex of grades I-III was opened.

Almost 7.5 thousand people live in the Pidberiztsiv territorial community, of which 1,012 are school-age children, 336 are preschoolers. Therefore, one of the priority tasks of the community is to create safe and comfortable conditions for children to have access to quality education.

Pidberiztsiv Higher Secondary School I-III degrees was one of the largest institutions in the Lviv region, which needed a comprehensive reconstruction with the addition of educational facilities and thermal modernization of the building. Reconstruction of the facility began in 2019.

“Last year, on St. Nicholas Day, we opened the first stage of work – the completed premises of a preschool for 40 children. This year, within the framework of the second phase, 4 new classrooms for 80 students were equipped, the facade of the building and the attic were insulated and decorated, sports and children’s playgrounds, external lighting and sewage networks were installed, the boiler room was repaired, a state-of-the-art ventilation system was installed, equipment was purchased, and a universal a hall where extracurricular activities and groups will be held. I am happy when children in the region have the conditions to receive quality education. Thank you to the Armed Forces of Ukraine that we can see a peaceful sky above our heads and that we are able to take care of our children,” said the head of Lviv OVA Maksym Kozytskyi.

We will remind you that in December 2021, the first phase of the project was completed: the premises of a preschool for 40 places with two age groups of 20 places each (younger 3-4 years old and older 5-6 years old) were completed. This made it possible to solve the problem of the most numerous settlement of the community in obtaining preschool education.

This year, construction and repair works of the II phase of the project were continued at the expense of regional and local budgets.

In total, more than UAH 46 million of budget funds were directed to the reconstruction of the facility.

Thanks to the reconstruction of the educational institution, 40 places for preschoolers and 80 student places, 9 workplaces in the preschool institution were created. In general, the learning conditions for 163 students were improved.

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