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A video surveillance system is being installed in Pidbyrtsy

A video surveillance system is being installed in Pidbirtsy of the Lviv MTG. In total, 12 video cameras will be installed here. They will be installed on the central street, where children move most often. The department of the urban agglomeration of the LMR says that the installation of a video surveillance system will reduce the level of crime and offenses in the area, and the residents of Pidbirtsy will feel safer.

“Residents have long dreamed of video surveillance of streets in Pidbirtsi. It was with this idea that they applied to the Public Budget of Lviv and won, showing how united and friendly the community should be.

However, the war stood in the way of the implementation of this security initiative. After all, the implementation of all Public Budget projects has been put on hold. And even then, the active chosen ones did not give up. According to Oksana Chaglii, the author and the main idea behind the project, they managed to convince the city security department that cameras are what is needed now more than ever for the safety of residents,” said the department of the urban agglomeration of the LMR.

As the security department of the LMR added, more than 250 new video cameras were installed in Lviv this year. Today, the city-wide video surveillance system unites more than 1,500 cameras.

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