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Install a stove in 4 hours: in Lviv, they showed how to safely equip a heating point in shelters. Video

Today, at an on-site meeting of the executive committee, the rescuers demonstrated how to safely shelter a little girl in one of the Sikh houses. After that, the members of the executive committee supported the decision “On measures to prepare for the heating season of 2022-2023 under martial law”.

As the mayor of Lviv, Andriy Sadovyi, emphasized, the main task now is to prepare Lviv for life in the conditions of an emergency.

“The city is actually 100% ready for the heating season, provided that there is a stable situation – there is gas, there is electricity. Instead, in view of the war, we must be ready for various situations and develop alternative options for heating.

If, for example, electrical substations are affected, then there will be no other option than to warm up in the heating points that will be installed in the shelters. And these are 10,500 heating points in residential buildings.

The city undertakes the preparation for the winter of schools, the entire medical system and the social sphere in the event of an emergency. Instead, heating points in houses should be provided by management companies, condominiums, housing complexes and others. We have to prepare in advance so that we don’t solve these issues in a hurry in the cold,” Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy stressed.

To install metal stoves in basements/shelters, building balancers, which are management companies, condominiums, condominiums, and others, have until October 1. In particular, such a heating point was installed in a residential building on the street in 4 hours. Trilovsky, 8a. According to the representative of the State Emergency Service, fire safety rules prohibit the installation of temporary metal furnaces, but, as an exception, their installation is allowed if the requirements of labor safety are observed.

“The metal stove can be installed at a distance of 0.7 to 1 m from combustible materials. The bourzhujka can be mounted on a brick covered with metal. It is important that a carbon monoxide detector must be installed on the wall. Therefore, there should be fresh air in the room, and the smoke that will be formed should go out through the pipe. Also, the stove should not stand in the way of evacuation, it is better to place it in a corner. At the same time, a basement plan and an evacuation plan must be placed in each basement.

I would like to emphasize that if the stove is burning, there should always be a person who will monitor it at this time,” explained rescuer Volodymyr Dubasiuk.

Therefore, in accordance with today’s decision of the executive committee of the LMR, in order to prevent the occurrence of emergency situations in the winter period, within the framework of preparation for the heating season of 2022-2023:

Business entities, managers of medical institutions, social infrastructure institutions, heads (managers) of condominiums, housing complexes, managers, management companies that provide services for the management of apartment buildings, as well as co-owners of apartment buildings, must by October 1:

Equip places for heating in basements, basement floors, shelters in accordance with the requirements of the State Emergency Service and ensure the availability of alternative fuel stoves.

Create a supply of such fuel, necessary for the passage of the entire autumn-winter season.

Place the evacuation plan from the shelter premises in accordance with the requirements of the State Emergency Service on each floor, on the notice board and at the entrance to the shelter.

Perform work on sealing window and door openings in common areas in residential buildings.

The heat supply company LMKP “Lvivteploenergo” must ensure the purchase of equipment on alternative types of fuel (solid fuel boilers), electric boilers, heat pumps, agree on the purchase of firewood to form a reserve of alternative fuel for furnaces.

Also, the Department of Education, together with the rector of the Lviv State University of Life Safety and the head of the Main Department of the State Emergency Service in the Lviv region, should introduce lessons on energy saving and energy efficiency in the schools of the Lviv MTG, and provide, if possible, the installation of alternative heating means in school shelters – metal stoves with the necessary fuel supply .

Lviv City Council: https://city-adm.lviv.ua/news/city/housing-and-utilities/292838-vstanovyty-pich-za-4-hodyny-u-lvovi-pokazaly-iak-bezpechno-oblashtuvaty- punkt-obihrivu-v-ukryttiakh-video

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