![Схеми об'їзду через ремонт мостової переправи у Великих Мостах](https://golossokal.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/skhema-obizdu.jpg)
It became known about the repair of the bridge crossing over the river. Rata at the Great Bridges
The Service of Reconstruction and Development of Infrastructure in the Lviv Region shows that there is a connection between the repair works carried out on the bridge crossing over the river. Rata on km 137 + 155 of the highway of impassioned koristuvannya of sovereign significance R-15 Kovel-Volodymyr Volinsky-Chervonograd-Zhovkva in the boundaries of the settlement of Veliky Mosti from 06 year. 00hv. 9 April to 31 March 2023 will be the CLOSING of the bridge crossing.
Ob’їzd bude zdіysnyuvatisya vidpovіdno to Scheme ob’їzdu.