From now on, there will be classes for pregnant women with elements of yoga in the city maternity hospital No. 1 and the women’s consultation of the 3rd city hospital of the Third Medical Association of Lviv.
At these classes, a special group of breathing exercises will be studied, meditation will be taught as a method of childbirth anesthesia and stress relief, and prenatal preparation (for pregnant women in the III trimester) will be considered.
Classes will be held twice a week. They will be conducted by an experienced yoga instructor, Iryna Makovchenko.
You can join classes during the I, II and III trimesters of pregnancy.
Recruitment to a group (3-5 people) – by prior appointment:
maternity hospital #1: +380 (32) 275 91 32; 067-384-84-74
women’s consultation of the VP “Third City Clinical Hospital of Lviv”: 050-753-63-21.
Also, to get to know the coach, you can join the Telegram channel https://t.me/yogavagitny_lviv