
Lviv medics are helping an injured woman from Orichovo to undergo rehabilitation

Julia from Orichovo covered her son with her body, and she herself received a severe shrapnel wound in the back. Now the 30-year-old woman is immobilized below the waist. She is currently undergoing treatment and rehabilitation in Lviv.

Everything happened in the yard of their house in Orichovo. It was quiet that day: no sirens, no explosions. 8-year-old son Dmytro asked his mother for help to ride a skateboard. Suddenly there was an explosion. The woman fell to the ground and felt that she could not move her legs. A shard lodged in her back. Yulia’s husband was nearby and was not injured and, despite the danger of repeated rocket fire, he was able to take his injured wife to the hospital in Zaporizhzhia.

Julia’s condition was difficult. The shrapnel damaged the spine, lung and lodged in the liver. In the regional hospital Yulia removed a fragment from the spinal canal, stopped the bleeding of the lungs and stabilized her condition for transportation to Lviv.

In the St. Panteleimon Hospital of the First Medical Association of Lviv, the woman was treated by specialists from several departments at once: resuscitation, neurosurgery and surgery. Fluid was removed from the pleural cavity of the lungs. Then the condition was stabilized and the wounds healed. Now Yuliya is learning to ride in a wheelchair and to be independent in everyday life in the physical rehabilitation department.

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