On this day in 1865, Andrey Sheptytsky was born – a prominent Ukrainian church, public and political figure.
“Not only in the deep Middle Ages, but also, most likely, in the future, Ukrainian Kyiv will play a great – perhaps decisive – role for the whole of Western Europe”, – the prophetic words of our moral authority and spiritual guide, Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi. We are convinced of this now, when the Armed Forces of Ukraine are facing the fiercest enemy who has encroached on peace and tranquility in the entire world. We will be convinced of this after our victory, when Ukraine will impress the whole world with its people, ideas, culture and progress – an equal among equals.
Today is the 158th anniversary of the birth of the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, who served God and his people throughout his life. We draw wisdom and important instructions from outstanding ancestors. With prayer, faith, good deeds and unity, we go to our main goal. We will win”, – noted the head of Lviv OVA Maksym Kozytskyi.
For reference
Roman-Maria-Olexandr Sheptytskyi was born on July 29, 1865 in the village of Prylbychi, Yavorivsky District, Lviv Region. He came from one of the oldest and wealthiest Ukrainian boyar families of Galicia.
Received an education appropriate to his high background (at the universities of Lviv, Krakow, Wroclaw, Vienna, Munich). Received the degree of doctor of law, theology and philosophy. In a short time, Roman went through all the stages of his spiritual career: from taking his first monastic vows, ordination as a monk, during which he took the name Andrey (1888), to enthronement on the metropolitan throne in 1901.
At the beginning of the First World War, the Metropolitan was imprisoned by the Russian authorities.
Andrey Sheptytskyi did not remain aloof from the processes that took place in post-Soviet Ukraine. Together with other bishops, he sharply condemned the Holodomor of 1932-1933.
During the Second World War, Andrey Sheptytskyi remained the spiritual leader of Ukrainians. With his blessing, on June 30, 1941, the Act of Restoration of the Ukrainian State was promulgated. During the Nazi occupation, the Metropolitan saved the lives of more than 200 Jews in Galicia by initiating and leading a campaign to hide them with the participation of a large number of clergy. His active activity during the war years helped many to survive its terrible calamities.
Andrey Sheptytskyi was a well-known philanthropist and philanthropist. He provided the greatest support to orphans and youth. One of Sheptytskyi’s most important actions was helping the widows and orphans of priests, which he achieved as a member of the House of Lords. Thousands of war orphans of the First World War were under his care: he initiated the opening of several large orphanages and asylums.
Metropolitan Sheptytskyi financed the economy, bought new equipment for cooperatives, because he understood that economic development largely depends on productivity and speed of work.
Ukrainian art was also under the patronage of Metropolitan Andrey. Sheptytskyi founded the Ukrainian National Museum in Lviv, which houses one of the largest icon painting collections in Europe.
Andrey Sheptytskyi died on November 1, 1944. Lviv said goodbye to his mentor for five days. He was buried in the crypt of St. George’s Cathedral.