We remember!
Today, on the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation, we bow low to all those who defended and are defending our homeland and the world from Nazism. Let the memory of the exploits of our ancestors who defended peace and freedom always remain in our hearts. Let them be forever in our memory. War is not only tanks, guns and large-scale battles. These are destinies, millions of small and large human troubles that have lasted for years. Today, as in the years of the Second World War, Ukraine is at war with the aggressor. However, now it is Putin’s Russia. Today, it is the Russian Federation, having absorbed all the criminal practices of Nazism and Communism, that encroaches on our territorial integrity and has destroyed peace in Europe. Our struggle has been going on every day since 2014, and we will definitely win, because we are defending our homeland, defending our right to freely choose our future. The strength and power of our Armed Forces is the guarantee of the existence of the state and the preservation of human rights.
Eternal memory to all those who died in the Second World War! Our people are invincible! Glory to the defenders of Ukraine of different times!
May peace and victory in Ukraine come sooner!
Glory to Ukraine!