On 5 March, Lviv will say goodbye to defenders Oleksiy Volchansky and Ivan Snigir

On Wednesday, 5 March, Lviv will say goodbye to soldiers Oleksiy Volchansky and Ivan Snigir, who defended Ukraine from Russian invaders. The mayor’s office calls on residents and guests to join the city’s farewell ceremony and refrain from entertainment and celebrations during this time.

The funeral ceremony will begin at 11:00 a.m. in the Garrison Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul. Peter and Paul. Later, at approximately 11:30, a citywide farewell ceremony will be held on Rynok Square.

The soldiers will be buried at Lychakiv Cemetery.

Biographical information on the defenders


Олексій Волчанський (03.03.1978-24.02.2025) Львів’янин.
Олексій Волчанський (03.03.1978-24.02.2025) Львів’янин.

Oleksii Volchanskyi (03.03.1978-24.02.2025) A resident of Lviv.

He studied at the secondary school №77 in Lviv. Lviv, where he studied economics and management in depth. After graduation, he immediately began his career and for over twenty years was engaged in the installation of mobile communication stations and antenna structures.

According to his family, he was extremely kind, gentle and humane, always trying to help everyone.

After the start of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, he voluntarily joined the 1st Border Guard Detachment of the Eastern Regional Directorate of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine to defend his homeland. He defended the sovereignty and territorial integrity of his homeland in Sumy and Kharkiv regions.

Oleksii Volchanskyi is survived by his mother, sister, brother and nephews.

Іван Снігір (22.07.1999-25.02.2025) Народився у місті Миколаїв.
Іван Снігір (22.07.1999-25.02.2025) Народився у місті Миколаїв.

Ivan Snihir (22.07.1999-25.02.2025) was born in the city of Mykolaiv.

He studied at the secondary school of Novomykolaivka village. He graduated from the Novomykolaivka Lyceum of the Pervomaisk Village Council of the Mykolaiv District, Mykolaiv Region. After graduation, he did military service in the Zaporizhzhia region.

In 2020, he moved to Lviv, where he worked at Zakhid-Holding Limited Liability Company.

According to his family, he was an exceptionally kind, ‘homely’ person, a sensitive, reliable and loving husband, devoted to his family. He loved his wife and his homeland. Despite a difficult childhood, he managed to preserve his love of life and a great sense of humour. He was a ‘man of opportunity’ – everything impossible became real for him.

After the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, he voluntarily joined the 1st Border Guard Detachment of the Eastern Regional Directorate of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine to defend the state from the invaders. He served in the Kharkiv and Sumy regions, and was seriously wounded during a combat mission.

Ivan Snihir is survived by his wife, uncle, aunt and nephew.

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