The Headquarters Center of the National Guard named after Vasyl Vishivany marked the 31st birthday from the day of creation

Welcoming the National Guardsman, the intercessor of the head of the Lviv OVA, Ivan Sobko.

For days, the Headquarters Center of the National Guard named after Vasyl Vishivany has marked 31 birthdays from the day of creation. In the name of honor, having welcomed Ivan Sobko, the head of the Lviv OVA, the deputy of the military servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine.

Vіn podyakuvav vykladatskomu warehouse for vyhovanni muzhnіh, professіynyh current commanders and soldiers.

It is significant that the Headquarters Center is the platform for training qualified specialists, who remain until the end of the day in the mode of conducting active combat operations at the forefront of our defense. Navchannya zdіysnyuyut for programs razroblennyh vikladachami Navchalny center for the participation of instructors in the advanced armies of the world. Headquarters for the forge of young commanders, instructors and fahivtsiv for the National Guard of Ukraine.

At the beginning of a large-scale invasion, the knowledge and recruits of the military servicemen of the Navchalny Center helped train thousands of professionals for the supreme defense of our state, and with the help of instructors-sappers clear more than one square kilometer from unsafe “gifts” payback anta.


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