Today, Lviv will say goodbye to two Heroes who defended Ukraine

Today, February 15, Lviv will say goodbye to two more Heroes. Vitaly Martynenko and Ihor Zakharko died defending Ukraine from the Russian invaders.

The City Hall calls on Lviv residents and guests to join the city’s farewell ceremony and to refrain from entertainment events and celebrations during this time.

Vitaliy Martynenko’s funeral will begin at 10:15 a.m. in the Garrison Church of Sts. App. Peter and Paul (11 Teatralna St.), at 10:45 a city farewell ceremony will be held on Rynok Square.

The funeral service of Ihor Zakharka will begin at 2:15 p.m. in the Garrison Church of Sts. App. Peter and Paul (11 Teatralna St.), at 2:45 p.m. a city farewell ceremony will be held on Rynok Square.

Heroes will be buried at the Lychakiv cemetery.

Biographical references of Heroes

Vitaly Martynenko (July 3, 1987-February 6, 2023) was born in the city of Dresden (Federal Republic of Germany) in the family of a military man. In 1991, the family moved to Lviv.

He studied at Secondary Secondary School No. 84 named after Blessed Yosafata Gordashevska. He graduated from the State Vocational and Technical Educational Institution “Lviv Vocational Polytechnic Lyceum” (then Vocational and Technical School No. 33 of the city of Lviv). Subsequently, he studied at the Ukrainian Academy of Printing.

In peacetime, he worked as a carpenter at a local private enterprise.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, he volunteered to go to war. He defended the Motherland as part of the 125th separate territorial defense brigade of the “West” Regional Directorate of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Performed combat missions in the eastern direction.

Vitaliy Martynenko is survived by his mother and brother.


Ihor Zakharko (11.03.1985-08.02.2023) native of Lviv.
Studied at Secondary Secondary School No. 86 of Lviv. He was educated at the State Vocational and Technical Educational Institution “Lviv Vocational Polytechnic Lyceum” (then Vocational and Technical School No. 33 of the city of Lviv).

In peacetime, he worked in the construction industry. He was fond of fishing.

With the beginning of a full-scale invasion, he stood up to protect the Motherland from the Russian invaders. He defended the territorial integrity and independence of the state in the ranks of the 59th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade named after Yakov Handziuk of the Operational Command “South” of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Ihor Zakharka is survived by a brother and a sister.

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