Andrii Druzhytskyi, a mobilized miner of the Mezhirichanska underground mine, died in the fight against the Russian aggressor in Donetsk region

On December 25, 2023, Andrii Druzhytskyi, a miner of the Mezhirichanska underground mine mobilized to defend Ukraine, died in the fight against the Russian aggressor in Donetsk region.

The sad news was announced today at Lvivvugilya State Enterprise.


Andrii Volodymyrovych Druzhytskyi was born on November 11, 1983. Since 2022, he has been working at the Mezhyrichanska mine of the Lviv Coal State Enterprise as an underground miner at the preparatory work site No. 2. Lived in the city of Sosnivka, Chervonograd district, Lviv region. In December 2022, he was mobilized to the ranks of the Armed Forces. Relatives and friends are in mourning.

We express our sincere condolences to the relatives and friends regarding the irreparable loss! We bow our heads in prayer for the repose of his soul. Eternal memory of the Hero – defender of Ukraine!

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