Attention farmers! The statistical reporting for 2023 has been changed.
The State Statistics Service of Ukraine has published changes in the submission of forms of state statistical observations to state statistical bodies for 2023. In particular, changes have been made to the following forms of state statistical observations for agricultural producers:
No. 4-sg (annual) “Report on sown areas of agricultural crops”;
No. 37-sg (monthly) “Report on the harvesting of agricultural crops”;
No. 29-sg (annual) “Report on areas and gross harvests of agricultural crops, fruits, berries and grapes”;
No. 24-sg (monthly) “Report on the production of livestock products and the number of farm animals”;
No. 24 (annual) “Report on the production of livestock products, the number of farm animals and their fodder supply”;
No. 9-sg (annual) “Report on the use of fertilizers and pesticides”;
No. 2-farm (annual) “Report on costs for the production of agricultural products (works, services)”;
No. 50-sg (annual) “Report on the main economic indicators of the work of agricultural enterprises”;
No. 11-zag (quarterly) “Report on the arrival of agricultural animals at processing enterprises”;
No. 21-zag (annual) “Report on the sale of agricultural products”;
No. 13-zag (quarterly) “Report on the receipt of raw milk at processing enterprises”;
No. 21-zag (monthly) “Report on the sale of agricultural products”
No. 1-fish (annual) “Report on extraction of aquatic biological resources”;
No. 1-grapes (annual) “Report on the processing of grapes into wine materials”.
In addition, the submission deadline for No. 21-zag (monthly) “Report on the sale of agricultural products” and for No. 1-grain “Report on the arrival of grain, leguminous and oil crops for processing and storage” has been changed. In 2023, these reports will need to be submitted no later than the 7th of the month following the reporting period (except January) and no later than the 8th of the month following the reporting period, respectively.
Annual state statistical observations will not be conducted using such a periodic form as No. 10-mech “Report on the availability of agricultural machinery in agricultural enterprises”. Such a report will be provided once every five years no later than February 28.
In total, the State Statistics Service changed the forms of 62 reports, the submission deadline was changed for 13 forms, 4 forms were canceled and 4 new reports were approved.
The full list of changes can be found at the link:
Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Lviv Regional State Administration