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To the Day of Ukrainian Cinema: a dozen films to raise the fighting spirit

September 10 is the Day of Ukrainian Cinema. On this occasion, we offer 10 Ukrainian films that raise the fighting spirit.

Today, September 10, the Day of Ukrainian Cinema is celebrated. On this occasion, we offer 10 Ukrainian films that raise the fighting spirit.

“Winter on fire” (2015). Directed by Yevhen Afineevsky

A documentary film about the Maidan and the Revolution of Dignity, which is difficult to rate, because the facts, comments and video series do not convey the emotional tension of those times, do not sufficiently reveal the real reasons for the mass protests that unfolded throughout Ukraine in 2013-2014.

“Red” (2017). Directed by Zaza Buadze

The historical drama Red is based on the novel by the Ukrainian writer and playwright Andrii Kokotyukha. Two Ukrainians – the insurgent Red and the Soviet pilot Gurov – were sent to hard labor together. Fighting for different ideals, finding themselves in the camp, they realized that they have one Motherland. Together, they decided to resist the repressions of their superiors and make a desperate and dangerous attempt to break free, organizing a whole rebellion.

“Cyborgs. Heroes don’t die” (2017). Directed by Akhtem Seitablaev

The story unfolds during a two-week duty at the airport of one battalion in 2014. The volunteer group arrives for the first time at the hot spot, which has been defended by our military for four months, and comes face to face with the terrible face of war. Not only professional military personnel, but also volunteer corps become to protect it. This clash – an unconditional challenge for the whole world – was the beginning of the formation of a new self-identification of the Citizens of Ukraine.

“Zakhar Berkut” (2019). Directed by Akhtem Seitablaev and John Winn

Screen adaptation of the historical story of the same name “Zakhar Berkut”.

1241 year. Uninvited guests came to our land – Mongol-Tatars led by the cruel khan of Burundi. This horde moves westward, destroying everything in its path. Having reached the Carpathian Mountains, they decided to rest a little, set up camp. At night, several local hunters – the Berkuta brothers – entered there and freed all the prisoners. Burunda was furious when he heard about it. Now he considers it his duty to take revenge on the offenders and destroy the local settlements. The traitor Tugar Vovk told the Khan about a secret path, how to get to the enemy and destroy them. Local hunters led by Zakhar Berkut absolutely do not want the destruction of settlements, so they created their plan to stop the Mongols once and for all.

“Cool 1918” (2019). Director Oleksiy Shaparev

1918 year. One of the most terrible events is the battle near Kruty near Kyiv. Several hundred patriotic students, young people heroically decided to defend their country from the four thousand well-armed Red Army.

“Forbidden” (2019). Director Roman Brovko

“Forbidden” is a Ukrainian feature film, which, against the background of the struggle of Ukrainian dissidents in the late 1960s and early 1980s, tells about the life and mysterious death of the famous sixties poet, human rights defender, Hero of Ukraine, Vasyl Stus.

“Our kitties” (2019). Director Volodymyr Tykhy

2014, the height of Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine. An engineer, an actor, a football coach and a flower seller go to the East as volunteers. An ambitious journalist joins the foursome on a secret mission. None of them has combat experience, knows nothing about the intentions of the command, and has almost no orientation on the terrain. However, they are the cause of the grandiose fiasco of the enemy’s large-scale operation… Courage, courage, a little hypnosis and branded humor – an explosive mixture for a “warm meeting”!

“Black Raven” (2019). Directed by Taras Tkachenko

Screen adaptation of Vasyl Shklyar’s novel of the same name, which is based on historical documents, in particular, from declassified KGB archives. The events of the film take place in 1922. The life and love story of Ivan nicknamed Voron, a former officer of the UNR army who became a participant in the insurgent movement of the times of the Kholodnoyarsk Republic. The irresistible thirst of Ukrainians for freedom does not allow the main character to remain aloof from the important events unfolding in his village. Therefore, he deliberately and courageously sacrifices family comfort and begins a fierce struggle for the independence of his native land, the future of Ukrainians and his own family

“Cherkasy” (2020). Director Timur Yashchenko

Lev and Myshko are ordinary boys who spent their childhood in a Ukrainian village. Years later, they both become part of the crew on the Cherkasy warship, which in 2014 finds itself stranded in Lake Donuzlav. Among other warships that are gradually surrendering positions, Cherkasy remains the only one that is not ready to make concessions to the enemy so easily.

“Sniper. White Raven” (2022). Director Maryan Bushan

Military action “Sniper. White Raven” directed by Maryan Bushan. This is the first war film to be released nationally after the full-scale Russian invasion. This is a reflection on the course of the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2014, which covered Luhansk region and Donetsk region, and this year became a bloody wound on the entire territory of Ukraine.

Mykola Voronenko’s story is based on real events. This is the path of transformation of a pacifist into a real sniper with the call sign Raven, who enters into a fierce struggle for freedom and justice, despite his own principles and prejudices.

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