A large-scale educational reform has been underway in Ukraine since 2016. It affects all settlements. The Drohobytsk community is no exception. One of the important components of this reform is the clear separation of the senior school from 2027.
Today, this topic is gaining the most resonance among the public, and manipulative rumors about “closing schools” are spreading on social networks.
First of all, it is worth understanding that the reform of the senior specialized school is a requirement of time and the law. The Law “On Comprehensive General Secondary Education” clearly focuses on the creation of academic lyceums as separate institutions for grades 10-12, separated from primary school and gymnasium (paragraph 7, part 1, article 32).
The concept of NUSH envisages the introduction of a specialized school from 2027. The local self-government body cannot ignore these requirements.
According to the reform, admission to lyceums will take place on the basis of competitive selection (Part 3, Article 9 of the Law), therefore they should become powerful centers of quality, specialized education, able to ensure a high level of knowledge and motivation of students.
It is worth noting that the number of students in the community is decreasing, especially in senior classes. According to forecasts, in 2027 there will be enough students for a maximum of 2-3 institutions at the parallel lyceums. Therefore, trying to maintain a larger number of lyceums will lead to recruitment and funding problems. And limited financial resources will not allow maintaining a network of institutions that does not meet the standards. In turn, the local self-government body cannot allow underfunding, especially for teachers’ salaries.
A specialized school is not about proximity, but about quality. That is why the reform provides for the preservation of primary and basic schools, as well as high-quality specialized training.
Some of the institutions that are proposed to be reorganized in the gymnasium are themselves “in favor” of such a step, in particular, this position was voiced by Lyceum No. 1. They understand that in the new conditions they will be able to focus on high-quality primary and basic education and will not be overwhelmed by the requirements of professionalization. Such initiatives of the educational institutions themselves deserve the support of the deputies and the public.
Surveys show that more and more graduates will choose vocational colleges instead of lyceums. Therefore, in parallel with the creation of a network of lyceums in the community, they plan to develop modern professional and technical education.