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Servicemen from Zolochiv district posthumously awarded with Orders “For Courage” of the III class

In accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine, Serhii Varava and Mykola Rudnytskyi were awarded honorary state awards. The awards were presented to the families of the fallen soldiers by Viktor Feshchuk, senior officer of the 1st Division of the Zolochiv Regional Military and Civilian Personnel Centre.

  • Serhiy Varava is a native of the village of Bilyavtsi. He served in the Armed Forces of Ukraine as a rifleman and medic. He died on 10 June 2023 during a combat mission near the village of Khromove, Donetsk region. He was 33 years old.
  • Mykola Rudnytskyi was a resident of the village of Leshniv. He was a rifleman-assistant to a grenade launcher of the rifle division. He died on 24 August 2023 near the village of Novoyehorivka, Luhansk region. He was 41 years old.

Eternal memory and glory to the Heroes 🇺🇦

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