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Parishioners of the church in Shklo in Yavoriv region collected 150,000 by car for the Armed Forces

Yesterday, October 16, on the territory of the church of St. military Yuriy, Shklo township, a charity fair “Cossack family has no translation!” was held, where funds were collected for a car for the defenders of the 103rd brigade of the 66th battalion.

The event began with a prayer to the Mother of God, where all those present prayed for the protection of our soldiers who defend our land from the enemy and for peace in Ukraine. “Today’s event in the yard of St. Yuri’s Church was not just a charity fair. It was a holiday for the soul, a holiday of unity, spirit and Cossack zeal! We are fighting each on our own front, destroying racist evil. God helps us! With God – to Victory!” – say the parishioners of the church. After the joint prayer, there were “Cossack fun” among the parishioners of the church and a concert with the participation of talented groups of the village, and the artist Vasyl Bula was also a guest of the concert. In addition, the parishioners organized a charity fair where they sold various handmade products, rosary beads, bracelets, toys, as well as goodies-desserts, braids, cakes and coffee from local women volunteers. In particular, they were treated to sycamore pie and mushroom soup for free. Cossack kulish prepared by the Shkliv Cossacks was the main treat. Thanks to the caring residents of the village, 150,384 hryvnias, 200 euros and 50 pounds were collected. All funds will go to a car that will help our defenders from the 103rd brigade of the 66th battalion to beat the enemy!

“There was supposed to be a small fair, but it turned out to be a big deal. There are no words to thank you guys for your generosity. There are no words to express my gratitude to all who are fighting. Thank you to everyone who participated, who worried, who came, who prayed for the weather. Together we are strong,” says volunteer Marichka Dilna, who prepared goodies at the charity fair.

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