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A session of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC in Ukraine started at Bryukhovychi

В центрі уваги Архиєрейського Синоду УГКЦ — душпастирська опіка воєнних біженців

On Friday, 18th leaf fall, near Bryukhovychi, which was the birth of Lviv, under the head of the Father and Head of the UGCC Blessed Svyatoslav, the Ninety Friend of the session of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC in Ukraine was born. After the prayers and the introductory synodal formalities of the father, the Synod was given a chance to look at the main session of the Synod of Bishops – “Dushpastir’s opika of military refugees”. Preparing for the sight of the bishops of the UGCC, to serve in Ukraine, Pastoral-migration work of the UGCC under the curation of Vladik Stepan Sus.

Oksana Mikheeva, DAAD-Professor of the European University of Viadrina (Nimechchyna), Professor of the Department of Sociology of the Ukrainian Catholic University, spoke on the leading topics; n. Tetyana Stavnycha, President of Caritasu-Ukraine; Yury Tikhovlis, clerk of the Section of Migrants and Bizhents of the Dicastery Serving the General Human Development of the Catholic Church and the clergy of the Pastoral and Migration Department of the UGCC.

This year in Ukraine there are close to 6.9 million internal displacements of persons and over 7 million persons, which took away the status of timchasov zakhistu in Europe. For example, by 1 leaf fall in 2022, the most Ukrainian refugees were registered in Poland – 1,469,032 individuals, in Nimechchyn – 1,008,935 individuals, and in the Czech Republic – 455,731 individuals.

Vladyka Stepan Sus, at the hour of his speech, gave up respect for the loss of good fortune: labor migration, immigrant migrants and refugees in the 2014-2022 years, and also for the good luck of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church “be a lieutenant”. He identified three key principles of service to the Church: “Hear our history and our goodness”, “Bachit Christ there, where you look at us / analyze-think-pray”, “Diyati”.

“In the wake of the fierce 24th, we rushed out of new calls and into new action, as if to bring handlessness,” said Vlad Stepan. — Ordinary churches, church houses and houses of our parathians have become a source of hope for those who are the first to destroy the ruins of the enemy. Usya Ukraine and our Church has become a great center of unruly help.”

The Bishop recognized the goodwill of the ranks and the people of the wealthy lands, who accepted Ukrainian refugees, as well as a great number of our priests in those religious and community communities, organizations outside the cordon.

At the same time, the hierarch has gained respect and in difficult times, with which the refugees from Ukraine are striving, zokrema in the food of the movement.

“For an hour, tolerance is broken from the sides of our upper ones to those who work the first few steps, or the first few steps are taken from the transition to the native language,” Stepan respected Vladik. “Often, the children themselves suffer for the same reasons. Behind the cordon at new schools, if only foreign ones of the same type, stumpy from the addition of translation, they translate phrases into our language, trying to translate them correctly. Їhnіm zdivuvannyam є bachiti, scho our children say through the Russian translation. Without understanding such behavior, the stench will start and these children will ring at the war. In our church service, our brothers feel the need to organize in a new way the catechetical service among children, young people and grown-ups.

The Bishop, having guessed about the titanic practice of volunteers: “We are kind, so that during parafial sleep, the volunteers could mother their children and at communion with the Lord know the strength to “be bright and strong,” but also to pull others with their butt.

Nasamkinets Vladyka Stepan, having designated that before our Church today stand viklik to become for our people the teachers of spivvіdpovіdalnosti one for one and for God gave us Batkivshchyna. “We saw our souls behind the cordon, with their presence, work and good reputation prepared us for solidarity with our people. We also see our sleepiness in Ukraine, as if we were critical to the best ones, accepting them to their homes. Like God for the passage of the paths, we marvel at the future, we are standing in front of us the task of the succession of Ukraine, the healing of wounds, ”said the bishop.

On the eve of the session of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC in Ukraine, as a trivatime until Saturday, 19th leaf fall, the Vladykas make a low decision to help the Church serve the Ukrainians as best as they can, through the Russian buisness house.

The fate of the Synod and the Vladiks of the UGCC in Ukraine to take new votes of the episcopal nominees: Fr. Maxim Ryabukha, Fr. Mykola Semenishyn and Fr. Andriy Khim’yak.

Information Department of the UGCC

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