One of the largest business support projects of the year is starting as part of the Ready4EU programme.
Thus, 1,500 Ukrainian companies will receive €2,500 each to prepare for entering the EU single market. The support will be provided until October 2025. The total budget of the programme is EUR 3.75 million.
Small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups that meet the following criteria are invited to apply:
The applicant is a Ukrainian company located and operating in the territory controlled by Ukraine and/or has relocated to EU countries but is still registered in Ukraine.
The Applicant is an existing Ukrainian company registered in accordance with the laws of Ukraine.
The Applicant is not in the process of liquidation or termination of business activities.
The Applicant is a Ukrainian company that meets the European definition of an SME.
The full definition can be found here: http://surl.li/gxdgg.
Microgrants can be used to participate in trade missions, brokerage events, organise a stand at international exhibitions and other international events.
To participate in the competition for the allocation of assistance, you must:
submit a special application: http://surl.li/qudni, where you will need to provide personal data and information about your business (the application process will open in March 2024);
after approval, sign a special agreement on the provision of financial assistance. The recipient of the money will have 15 days to send a PDF copy of the signed document through the portal: https://business.diia.gov.ua/en;
send a printed copy of the signed document by mail to a special address: ukraineready4eu@eenukraine.com.
For more details, please follow the links: http://surl.li/qudtt, http://surl.li/qudub.
“Microgrants from Ready4EU open up new opportunities for agricultural enterprises, as they are aimed at supporting active participation in international events and can be used for travel, accommodation, participation in exhibitions, organisational costs and other necessary expenses. This will help companies to effectively promote their own products on the global market,” said Tetiana Hetman, Director of the Department of Agricultural Development at Lviv Regional State Administration.