Over the past 5 years, the vegetable growing industry of Lviv Oblast has been characterized by the dynamics of growth in cultivated areas and production volumes.
In the course of 2018-2023, the sown area in farms of all categories increased by 65.1% (from 26.1 to 43.1 thousand hectares), production volumes – by 63% (from 512.8 to 835.8 thousand tons) .
Growing vegetable crops in the region is mainly done by the population, in which 96% of the area and volume of production are concentrated. Agricultural enterprises grow vegetables on only 4% of the area, but in the last 5 years, their area has also increased by 30.8% (from 1.3 to 1.7 thousand hectares) and production volumes by 38.5% (from 25, 7 to 35.6 thousand tons).
In the structure of cultivation areas in farms of all categories, the main crops are cabbage (35.8%), salad and green vegetables (24.9%), carrots (10.7%), table beets (10%), onions (9.4 %).
In agricultural enterprises, the structure of cultivated areas is somewhat different, namely, salad and green vegetables (28.5%), cabbage (15%), table beets (13%), carrots (12%) predominate. Onions are still grown on small areas, as farmers need to improve cultivation technology and test hybrids that are suitable for our climatic conditions.
“The flooding and occupation of the southern regions is a challenge for our farmers, who fully understand that they should increase the amount of growing vegetables, which at least grow well in our zone, in order to provide the population with products at affordable prices. It is about the “borscht set”. We are trying to stimulate this process at the regional level. For the second year in a row, regional support for our farmers in the form of reimbursement of the cost of certified seeds, which gives a higher yield and increases production volumes, has been in effect. In the current year, 1.2 million hryvnias have been allocated for this direction from the regional budget, which will be distributed among 37 applicant companies,” commented Tetyana Hetman, director of the APR department.
Information on indicators of the development of the vegetable growing industry is provided in the infographic https://griml.com/hmonr