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“We gave them a fight so that they wouldn’t feel like masters on our land”: a “Vokha” fighter about the assaults and defense near Bakhmut

He is a universal fighter: he goes on assaults, stands on the defensive, evacuates wounded and dead comrades. Brave, purposeful and always follows orders, according to commanders. He is a real combat sergeant who is always ready to lead the group into battle.

His first outings were two consecutive assaults on the forest strip near Klishchiivka.

“We were on the defensive. Suddenly, the occupiers walked down the road, as if they were walking in their own home. We gave them a fight so that they would not feel like masters on our land. We are the hosts here. Later, their “beha” was burned and many more attacks were repelled. We put them well in Klishchiivka itself. They shot from 200 meters and hit. The command thanked us for the accurate shooting,” the soldier recalls.

Sometimes “Vokha” and its comrades reinforce friendly units when they are unable to cope with assault, defense or evacuation. Some assaults pass without a single shot being fired – the Russians flee after extensive artillery preparation. You often have to fight a shooting battle or skillfully operate grenades. And the defenders are moving at the forefront under constant fire. It’s never quiet, because the enemy is strong and has a lot of deadly weapons.

“You can’t get up even for a minute. Our task is to go and not stop! We are paratroopers, so we don’t stop. Our platoon of Lviv paratroopers was considered the best even in the training center. Thanks to the instructors there and the young and professional command here, we are effectively defending and returning our land,” the fighter says.

He admits that he maintains a high fighting spirit and motivation thanks to his brothers and family.

“During my military service in 2006-2007, I fired 9 rounds in a whole year. Now I shoot so many rounds per second. If you want to survive and win, you study hard and gain combat experience very quickly. We don’t have enough people. No need to hide. You need to go, protect your relatives and win,” the soldier added.

Public Relations Service of the 80th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


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