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Солдат Павло Буй після поранення і тривалого лікування продовжує службу в Червоноградському районному ТЦК та СП

The soldier notes that he went to fight for the sake of his children, his family.

Grenade thrower of the 2nd branch of the 3rd platoon of the Chervonohrad regional territorial center of equipment and social support, senior soldier, Bui Pavlo Vasyliovych worked as an underground miner at a mine until February 24, 2022. With the beginning of a full-scale invasion already on March 3, 2022, having two small children, he voluntarily joined the ranks of the Armed Forces.

In 2015-2016, Pavlo Bui served in the artillery in the artillery division of the 58th brigade. After a year and a half of service, he was demobilized and returned to his family. But the attack of Russia changed all these plans for a peaceful, calm and happy life.

“I went to war for the sake of my children, my family, so that these impurities would not come to our lands. I do not want my children to go abroad. I grew up and live in Ukraine and I want my children to have a future here in Ukraine as well. I was drafted into the 24th mechanized brigade. Our company was sent for reinforcements in the Luhansk region. This is a difficult Donetsk direction. He was wounded – the arrival of the 120th mine. I was evacuated to Bakhmut, from there to Dnipro,” says Pavlo Bui.

He says that he did not lose consciousness, but he lost his leg. The whole leg was completely torn, there were severe lacerations, and a fractured knee. Severe mine-explosive injury, contusion. Got into the intensive care unit, was in the hospital.

“Surgeons saved my life in Dnipro. I was conscious, but not stable, in a serious condition, and therefore I do not remember the names of the doctors. I am infinitely grateful to them for their dedicated work and moral support. I will always remember how, after a month in the intensive care unit, I was transferred to traumatology and saw off by the entire medical staff of the department. It was so sensitive, so native, everyone cried with joy. In the rehabilitation center in Lviv Oblast, I underwent training for prosthetics, there were several of us with amputated limbs in the ward, we supported each other, joked, laughed, and talked. We were open to each other, so it was easier. And the prosthetics itself was quite successful. For which I am sincerely grateful to our doctors. I was able to walk a little on my own. And the first thought was: I will finally be able to make myself tea. In such situations and having passed such a path, we begin to appreciate the little things that we have forgotten about in everyday life.

Then I was transferred to my native Chervonograd. And now I continue to serve in the security company of the Chervonograd RTCC and SP”, – Pavlo Bui shares his memories.

According to his deep conviction, it is extremely necessary for people to understand that mobilization is, at present, a necessity.

“Because if we do nothing, we will simply lose the state, we will lose our future. No one is ready for war, no one is born a soldier, but we need to understand what the price of our victory is. No one can be forced to go to war, but everyone must behave with dignity.

Looking at how united we were at the beginning of the war, and looking at the situation now, I wonder where that patriotic spirit has gone. After being wounded, I continue to serve, it is not just a constitutional obligation. This is a natural understanding that this is my duty, primarily as a husband, father, and son. Everyone can help at their own level, someone fights, someone volunteers, someone donates daily, this is the only way we will achieve victory,” Pavlo Bui convinces.

Source: Lviv OTCC and JV


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