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It became known the schedule of power outages in Lviv Oblast in groups of 4 hours

“Lvivoblenergo” specialists divided the territory of the region into 4 groups. According to the information of the energy distribution company, the outage will last 4 hours in each group.

The day and time of disconnections of each group can be seen below.

Schedule of settlements and addresses by groups:

1 group – https://cutt.ly/ENsvTyJ
2nd group – https://cutt.ly/PNsvJDs
Group 3 – https://cutt.ly/KNsvCiN
Group 4 – https://cutt.ly/sNsvMEw

Previously, this schedule was implemented until the end of the week.

According to the order of the chief dispatcher of “Ukrenergo” on disconnection and in accordance with the schedule, electricity was turned off for 4 groups of consumers. From 15:00 to 19:00, according to the schedule, disconnection for 1 group.

But the schedule of emergency shutdowns is not being implemented systematically. Only when the order of NEC “Ukrenergo” is received. It depends on the operational situation in the energy system of Ukraine.

The situation is dynamic, so we recommend following updates on the official website of Lvivoblenergo.

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