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Applications are being accepted for the international competition “Follow Nature”

Applications for participation in the competition can be submitted until October 30 of this year.

The competition involves temporary compositions created in an aquarium on the shore of a selected area of the biotope (aquatic habitat: river, lake, stream) with the aim of reproducing it.

It is necessary to draw up a competitive work in two versions – the biotope as it is now, and as it is becoming or may become in the near future.

As noted by T.V.O. Oksana Viytyk, Director of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Lviv Regional Government, the negative impact of human activity and military actions causes irreparable damage to the environment. This competition is aimed at showing what can happen to nature around as a result of pollution and teaching to appreciate what surrounds us and preserve it for future generations.

Participation in the competition is free.

You can submit an application and find out the details of the contest at the link https://www.biotope.com.ua/contest.html


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