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In the Lviv regional TCC and SP, they remind about the main criteria for selection for military service

The TCC also talked about the list of necessary documents and the algorithm of actions.

The main requirements during selection and acceptance for military service on the basis of a contract are:

suitability for military service according to medical indicators;

physical training and psychological stability of the candidate;,

education not lower than full secondary school;

age from 18 to 45 years, and during martial law – up to 60 years;

no criminal record.

What documents are required:


identification code;

job description;

medical certificate on health status;

military card (for conscripts);

copies of documents on education and employment;

copies of birth and marital status documents;

written consent to conduct a special inspection;

autobiography in handwritten and printed copies;

certificate of family composition and place of registration or actual residence.

Action algorithm:

arrive at the district TCC and SP at the place of registration (temporary registration for IDPs);
there is an interview;

a citizen’s application for entering service under a contract is filled out;

a copy of the passport and a certificate on the assignment of an identification number, a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the absence of a criminal record or its cancellation, and a military ID (for conscripts) are provided.

the volunteer undergoes psychological testing;

arrives on the referral of the territorial center to pass the military medical commission;

provides a certificate of passing a preventive drug examination; certificates about: lack of registration in a psychoneurological, skin-venerological and tube dispensary, about the absence of pregnancy (for women), determination of blood group and Rhesus factor, results of tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C; medical examination card;

waits for a call from the RTCC and SP, prepares the rest of the documents that can be added for registration of the personal file after the conclusion of the contract.

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