On his birthday, Orest Krukovsky received 9 shrapnel in his thigh. He came under mortar fire while liberating Liman and is now learning to walk again. The man is undergoing rehabilitation at the NEZLAMNA center of the First Medical Association of Lviv.
Orest Krukovsky is 52 years old. He is a historian of the Museum of the National Liberation Struggle in Lviv, from the first days of the full-scale invasion he joined the ranks of the Armed Forces. The man says: he simply could not do otherwise. “When the war started, it was time not only to talk about this struggle, but also to take up arms,” he says.
Half a year at the front, fierce battles. Despite the constant danger, Orestes managed to remain unharmed. But on September 27, on his birthday, Orestes and his brothers went on the offensive. The task was to free the temporarily occupied Lyman. And our army men executed it in a few days, only Orestes was no longer with them. The man was covered by mortar fire. He remembers that he felt a blunt blow to his thigh – it was 9 fragments.
A friend came to help. He put a tourniquet on Orestes. In another second, as if out of nowhere, a car with our soldiers and a doctor who provided first aid appeared. The defender was taken to Kramatorsk on a broken dirt road. No one knew if they would have time to deliver him: on the way to the hospital, Orest lost about two liters of blood. After several operations in Kramatorsk and Dnipro, all debris was removed from the man’s wounds. It was then that it became clear: Orest cannot feel his legs. The doctors suggested: sensitivity can be restored, but very good rehabilitation is required.
It was in this condition that the defender was taken to Lviv by an evacuation train. A month ago, Orest started rehabilitation at the NEZLAMNI National Rehabilitation Center. The indomitable historian Orest Krukovsky clearly said: he needs to recover and walk in order to return to the front again. Therefore, specialists work with him for several hours every day, and there are successes. Gradually, sensitivity in the leg is restored – and this means that the man will be able to achieve his goal.