Листи до редакції

Since the beginning of the year, the police of the Lviv Region have searched for 565 missing children

If your child is missing, call the emergency line 102. When communicating with the operator, be sure to tell the operator: age, gender, special features, what she was wearing, what she had with her, mobile number and any other information that will help wanted, and also be sure to provide a photo of the child.

In 11 months of 2023, the police of the Lviv region searched for 565 missing children, including 318 minors. In 547 cases, the children’s whereabouts were established within a day of receiving a missing person report.

All wanted persons were returned to their place of residence and handed over to their parents or legal representatives. The law enforcement officers held preventive talks with the children, as well as with their relatives.

The police urge: communicate with your children, know their friends and interests. Check in with your baby regularly throughout the day, and keep young children in sight at all times and do not leave them unattended.

Communications Department of the Lviv Oblast Police

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