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Military lyceums of Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania created a website of historical victories over Muscovites and Ottomans

Lyceum students and cadets from three educational institutions – the Heroes of Kruty Lyceum in Lviv, the General Povilas Plekhavicius Cadet Lyceum (Kaunas, Lithuania), and the Husar Military High School (Wroclaw, Poland) – created an educational and cognitive Internet resource dedicated to the joint military campaigns of the three nations against foreign invaders.

The site was presented during an international scientific conference on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of NATO, which took place at the Lviv Regional Council’s municipal institution, the Heroes of Kruty Lyceum in Lviv.

At https://readymag.website/u59022881/4725247/, you can learn about historical figures and events in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the early 17th century. “These are the joint military campaigns of 1618 and 1621, when troops led by Queen Władysław Waza, Hetman of the Great Lithuanian Jan Karol Hodkiewicz, and Hetman of the Zaporozhian Army Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachnyi confronted the eastern despotisms of the Moscow Kingdom and the Ottoman Empire,” the Kruty Heroes Lyceum reported.

To create the new resource, the lyceum students and cadets researched historical sources, including scientific materials from the museum and educational department of the Khotyn Fortress State Historical and Architectural Reserve.

The website was developed as part of the joint Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian project “Brotherhood in Combat” using web design technologies and a geographic information system in the form of interactive story maps ArcGIS StoryMaps, which lyceum students use as part of the team-staff game #Cyberjura. The project was implemented under the honorary patronage of the Marshal of the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Pawel Hancharz, and the acting head of the Lviv Regional Council, Yurii Kholod.

The developers received certificates of appreciation from Vineta Kleine, Director of the NATO Information and Documentation Centre at the NATO Representation in Ukraine.

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