This year, the prize is awarded in 16 nominations.
To win the regional prize in the field of culture, literature, art, journalism and architecture, new original works and works published (made public) in their completed form within the last three years, but no later than six months before their nomination for the prize, are submitted.
Applications must be submitted to the Department for Culture, Nationalities and Religions of the Regional State Administration at the address: Lviv, str. 14 Vinnychenka, room #38; phones for inquiries: 261 25 93, 261 26 48.
Regulations on the competition – http://surl.li/jrmcp
The winners of the 2022 regional award received 50,000 hryvnias each.
This year, the prize is awarded in 16 nominations:
Art studies and cultural studies named after Svyatoslav Hordynskyi:
– for research works on the history and theory of fine, theatrical, decorative and applied, folk art, music.
Museum case named after Hilarion and Vira Svientsytskyi:
– for creating iconic conceptual exhibitions, expositions.
Preservation of cultural heritage named after Boris Voznytskyi:
– for comprehensive preservation and restoration of monuments of cultural heritage.
Poetry named after Markiyan Shashkevych:
– for writing a collection of poems.
Prose named after Bohdan Lepky:
– for writing prose works.
Literary studies, modern literary criticism and translations of Mykhailo Wozniak:
– for work in the field of literary studies, criticism and translations.
Dramaturgy, theater art named after Borys Romanytskyi:
– for productions of theatrical performances, directorial, scenographic, acting works, performance of opera parts, writing of dramatic works.
Journalism and journalism named after Vyacheslav Chornovol:
– for works in the field of journalism and journalism.
Musical art named after Stanislav Ludkevich:
– for the creation of opera, ballet, symphonic, chamber-instrumental and vocal works, concert programs, author’s performances, conducting, performance of musical works.
Fine art named after Ivan Trush:
– for work in the field of monumental, easel painting and graphics.
Decorative and applied art named after Xenovia Flinta:
– for creating creative works from ceramics, artistic glass, metal, wood, textiles and other materials, making tapestries, artistic decorations.
Folk art named after Filaret Kolessa:
– for the popularization of folk crafts and folklore.
Design named after Olena Kulchytska:
– for practical and theoretical achievements in the field of modern design.
Architecture named after Ivan Levinsky:
– for practical and theoretical achievements in the field of modern architecture.
Art of photography named after Vasyl Pylypyuk:
– for practical achievements in the field of modern photography.
Sculpture named after Ivan Severa:
– for practical and theoretical achievements in the field of monumental and easel sculpture.
Photo: Awarding of winners of 2022