Residents and guests of Lviv Oblast are invited to attend a number of interesting events.
The performance “How the notes of a song were composed”
Where: Lviv Academic Regional Puppet Theater, Sq. D. Halytskyi, 1
When: 11:00
More details – https://lvivpuppet.com/performance/iak-notky-pisenku-skladaly/
Playing with Mozart. Interactive children’s concert
Where: Lviv House of Organ and Chamber Music, str. S.Bandery, 8
When: 11:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m
More details – https://www.lvivconcert.house/event-details/graemo-z-motsartom-interaktivniy-dityachiy-kontsert-5
The play “Little Fairy”
Where: Lviv Academic Regional Puppet Theater, Sq. D. Halytskyi, 1
When: 12:00
More details – https://lvivpuppet.com/performance/malenka-feia/
Performance “Merry Bears”
Where: Lviv Academic Theater of Pop Miniatures “And People and Dolls”, str. Fredra, 6
When: 12:00
More details – https://puppet.lviv.ua/vistavi/denna-scena/veseli-vedmezhata.html
The play “Cinderella”
Where: National Academic Ukrainian Drama Theater named after M. Zankovetska (chamber scene), str. L. Ukrainky, 1
When: 12:00
More details – https://zankovetska.com.ua/
The performance “The Boat Floats”
Where: The First Academic Ukrainian Theater for Children and Youth (11 Akademika Hnatyuka Street, Lviv)
When: 15:00
More details: https://kasa.in.ua/ua/lviv/theater/plyve-choven-2023-06-03
Concert “DRESDEN CHAMBER SOLOISTS” hall of mirrors
Where: Lviv National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet named after S. Krushelnytska, Svobody Ave., 28
When: 3:30 p.m
More details: https://opera.lviv.ua/shows/kontsert-dresden-chamber-soloists/
Bach’s music
Where: Lviv House of Organ and Chamber Music, str. S. Bandery, 8
When: 17:00
More details: https://www.lvivconcert.house/event-details/muzika-bakha-70
Presentation of the Ukrainian translation of Oskar Kohlberg’s “Repentance” in Lviv
Where: Museum of Folk Architecture and Life in Lviv named after K. Sheptytskogo, str. Chernecha Gora, 1
When: 17:00
More details: http://surl.li/hmzqh
Performance “Valse melancolique” chamber scene
Where: National Academic Ukrainian Drama Theater named after M. Zankovetska (chamber scene), str. L. Ukrainky, 1
When: 17:00
More details: https://zankovetska.com.ua/
“Agora” performance
Where: Lviv Academic Drama Theater named after Lesi Ukrainka, str. Horodotska, 36
When: 18:00
More details: https://teatrlesi.lviv.ua/event/agora/
Jazz of the unconquered. Ukrainian and world / Lviv
Where: Metropolitan gardens square. St. George’s Cathedral, 5
When: 18:00
More details: http://surl.li/hmzta
The performance “Amnesia, or small marital crimes”
Where: Lviv Academic Theater named after L. Kurbasa, st. L. Kurbasa, 3
When: 18:00
More details: https://kurbas.lviv.ua/uk/show/amnesia
Ballet “Don Quixote”
Where: Lviv National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet named after S. Krushelnytska, Svobody Ave., 28
When: 18:00
More details: https://opera.lviv.ua/afisha/
Virtuosos 42. Fantasy and Dance
Where: Lviv National Philharmonic named after M. Skoryka, str. M. Skoryka, 7
When: 18:00
More details: https://philharmonia.lviv.ua/events/
The performance “And now you will wake up”
Where: Theater “OKO”, sq. Danyla Halytskyi 1
When: 18:00
More details: https://lviv.karabas.com/ua/a-zaraz-vi-prokinetes
Jimi Hendrix Party
Where: Art Center “I-gallery” str. Shota Rustaveli 8
When: 18:00
More details: http://surl.li/hmzvg
Concert “Jazz of the unconquered”. Ukrainian and global”
Where: Metropolitan gardens, square St. Yura 5, Lviv
When: 18:00
More details: https://lviv.kontramarka.ua/uk/dzaz-neskorenih-ukrainskij-ta-svitovij-75508
YAKTAK concert on the occasion of the opening of the summer season at OTAMAN Resort&Spa
Where: Lviv, Kiltseva doroga
When: 18:00
More details: https://lviv.kontramarka.ua/uk/yaktak-80037.html
Solemn concert for the 90th anniversary of the installation of the organ
Where: Lviv House of Organ and Chamber Music, str. S. Bandery, 8
When: 19:00
More details: https://www.lvivconcert.house/shows