Within the framework of the free stage in the Khotkevich Palace (1 Kusevicha St.), a literary reading will be held with the professional writer, poet Kateryna Mikhalitsina. The event will take place on June 14 at 19:00, so those interested in participating are invited to register.
“More than a century ago, literary gatherings, that is, salons, were very popular among Ukrainian authors. In the 60s, at the time of self-publishers and Soviet censorship, literary evenings became a mass (under the KGB’s sights) phenomenon. It was then that poetry was not just trendy among readers, but also reflected their worldview.
We continue this burden. Therefore, on June 14 at 7:00 p.m., both young authors and a professional writer will meet on the free literary stage,” the organizers say.
In order to take part in the free poetry microphone, you need to register and go through a preliminary selection. The maximum number of participants is 6.
The deadline for filing is June 12.
You can apply for participation by calling: https://forms.gle/xsfHhhPnNzQVRBMn9
Kateryna Mikhalitsyna is a poet, author of more than 20 books for children, translator, editor, cultural manager, illustrator, member of Ukrainian PEN.
Now Kateryna is a participant and coordinator of important volunteer projects, namely:
literary and volunteer trips to the de-occupied territories organized by the Ukrainian PEN;
the initiative to help Ukraine, launched by Marius Burokas, Laurinas Katkus and Donatas Petrosius on the basis of the Literary Fund of the Writers’ Union of Lithuania;
the “Suitcase with Books” project launched by the Goethe-Institut after the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine;
of the project “After the occupation. Books for Children”, organized by the Kharkiv LitMuseum and the Dobrochynets Foundation.
Entry for guests is free, but also subject to prior registration: https://forms.gle/AwNocAhaMVqDD9Ms5