The Executive Committee of the Lviv City Council decided to organize and hold the All-Ukrainian Open Architectural Competition for the project proposal of a public space with a monument to Yevgeny Konovaltsy.
“We are working on the task, program and conditions of the competition, but this is a special competition, because it is about honoring the memory of Yevhen Konovalts. This is a very important person, a personality for the whole of Ukraine, and it is planned to honor her symbolically on Bandera Street, where it intersects exactly with Konovaltsia Street. This will be the starting point of Konovaltsia Street. Then it goes in the direction of the south of the city and in this place it is planned to create such not just a monument and not just a space, but a symbiosis. We want a high-quality architectural solution, a high-quality fit into the landscape – it will not be a big monumentalism, it will be such a soft, neat architectural solution. Nevertheless, in addition to the space, this will be such a monumental commemoration from the point of view of memory, it will be an artistic object that honors the memory of Yevhen Konovalts”, said the chief architect of Lviv, Anton Kolomeytsev.
In order to find the best solution for the space, the Department of Architecture and Urbanism of the Lviv City Council will conduct preliminary registration of potential participants in the competition.
“We want to combine the efforts of artists, sculptors and architects. For this, on July 3, we are opening applications for participation in this architectural competition. We want to create a base of both architects and artists to create this symbiosis, so that people, after seeing each other’s portfolios, can create teams and enter the competition itself with joint decisions. Later, when we have this base, we will publish the program and conditions, the deadlines for submission of competitive works, and within that we will wait for the quality result of our competition,” said Anton Kolomeytsev.
The territory of the future space belongs to the Lviv Polytechnic University, which allowed it to be used for the future monument. The architecture department says that now the territory, which until now has always been behind the fence, will be open and will become part of Bandera Street.
Three finalists of the competition will receive cash prizes. First place – 150,000 UAH, 2nd place – 100,000 UAH, and 3rd place – 50,000 UAH.