Today, the “Light of Hope” installation was opened on Rynok Square: drawings of children from different parts of Ukraine, who are forced to live in Lviv, are placed on metal scaffolding. The exhibition draws attention to the theme of war and suffering and, through the language of children’s art, gives hope for a brighter future.
As the organizers explain, each detail of the installation has its own symbolic meaning: the metal scaffolding symbolizes the destruction and loss of homes, and the canvases with children’s paintings create the image of walls and roofs, the protection that every child should have. In the center of the installation is a heart, which becomes a symbol of the indescribable pain experienced by children, but also of the strong hope that lives in their hearts.
Children’s drawings, which are at the center of the exhibition, tell each child’s own story: their inner vision, their experiences, the expression of their dreams, hopes and expectations.
The exhibition is dedicated to Children’s Day and will last for two weeks.
And today, as part of the event, on Rynok Square, all willing children will paint a joint canvas with the artist Natalia Pavlyuk.
Organizers of the project: Magazine “BOOM plus TV”, Studio “Rose Glasses”, ART studio Nataliya Pavlyuk and the Department of External Relations and Promotion of the City of Lviv City Council.