As a result of the beginning of a large-scale invasion, Drogobichi systematically organizes various decent events and fairs, such as collecting cats and supporting ZSU.
This weekend Drohobychi had two beneficial events: a concert of the military orchestra of part A-1108 and the “Drohobitsky Kram” fair. Entries were made at the location of the fountain, not far from Taras Shevchenko Square.
How the church contributed to the promotion of creative industries, cultural management and the development of tourism Irina Partyka – the patriotic compositions of the Vikonian military orchestra resonated with the ears. The passers-by sang and sipped songs and at the same time donated for the needs of the military.
Around this day, the traditional and beneficial fair “Drohobitsky Krai” was in full swing. Once upon a time, crafters from various places in Ukraine came to the “Drohobitsky Krai”. Zokrema: Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ternopil, Lviv, Stria, Truskavets – such was the geography of the clever people who sold their manual robots and thereby helped accumulate money for the consumption of the ZSU.
Also, Drohobyk residents and creative individuals from among the displaced people who currently live in the Drohobyk community presented their unique robots to the fair.
Among the items on display were works made of stone, beads, paraffin, original and author’s embellishments, embroidery, as well as paintings and painted canvases.
In two separate rounds, I earned 33,658 UAH. The organizers of the events, and the management of culture and the development of tourism, are dedicated to the Lyceum No. 3 named after V. Chornovil, whose students benefited from the beneficial event and donated 10,900 UAH.
In order to ensure the best outcome, distribute all accumulated waste between different parts. Thus, part of the financial donations will be allocated for the artillery survey of the military unit A-1108, and another part – for the 67 Okremiya Territorial Defense Battalion.