Кримінальні події

An ex-official who “transferred” state lands into the ownership of a sanctioned person will be tried in Lviv Oblast

As a result of the illegal activity of the official, losses in the amount of about 17.5 million hryvnias were caused to the state.

The perpetrator, a former official of the Skoliv District Department of Land Resources, was exposed by investigators of police department No. 3 of the Stryi District Police Department together with operatives of the Office of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Lviv Region, under the procedural guidance of the Stryi District Prosecutor’s Office.

As the law enforcement officers established, the official, abusing his official position, issued knowingly false official documents (state title deeds), which led to the illegal removal from state-owned lands of four plots of land and the illegal lease of another plot of land located on the territory of the former Skolivskyi district

In the documents, the purpose of the plots was changed from “agricultural purpose” and “recreational purpose” to “for the construction and maintenance of a residential building, farm buildings and structures” and “for the construction and maintenance of parking lots and parking lots on residential and public development lands.”

Some of these areas, which were actually located outside the settlement, according to the “new documents” were included in the boundaries of one of the villages of the present Slavska OTG, which is very popular among fans of skiing.

Subsequently, the specified land plots were owned by a business entity, the ultimate beneficiary of which is a person who, according to the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, is included in the list of individuals and legal entities subject to restrictive measures and sanctions. On one of them, the “new owner” intended to build a hotel and recreation complex.

As a result of the illegal activity of the official, losses in the amount of about 17.5 million hryvnias were caused to the state.

Investigators of the territorial division of the police informed the intruder about the suspicion of committing criminal offenses provided for in part 2 of article 366 (Official forgery) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and part 2 of article 364 (Abuse of power or official position) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The maximum penalty provided by the sanctions of the articles is imprisonment for a term of up to six years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, with a fine of up to one thousand tax-free minimum incomes of citizens.

The pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceedings has been completed, the indictment has been referred to the court.

The court also seized the specified plots of land, law enforcement officers are taking measures to return them to communal ownership.

Communications Department of the Lviv Oblast Police

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