On the cob of the war, the investigators of the territorial police departments of the Lviv region filed 1205 criminal investigations for the facts
Як встановили дізнавачі відділення поліції №1 Яворівського районного відділу поліції, двоє зловмисників, 31-річний мешканець Івано-Франківської області та 45-річний киянин, підробили посвідчення військовозобов’язаного та довідки військово-лікарської комісії, внісши в документи неправдиві відомості про визнання їх непридатним to military service. Perebuvayuschie at the checkpoint “Sheginya”, the people presented obviously updated documents for crossing the cordon.
The investigators of the territorial police department, for the procedural investigation of the Yavoriv district prosecutor’s office, informed both the evil-doers about the suspicion of criminal offenses committed, transferring part 1 and part 4 of article 358 The maximum punishment, the transfer of articles with sanctions – the exchange of will on lines up to two years.
Dosudovі rassleduvannya avershenі, accusatory acts of skerovanі on rozglyad court.
During the period of dії to the regime of the military camp, the investigators of the police of the Lviv region filed 1205 criminal investigations for the facts of disclosure and retrieval of documents for the transfer of the state cordon of Ukraine with the method of strengthening in the form of mobility and military service.
In 419 pre-trial investigations completed, accusatory acts of skering are pending before the court.
Let’s hope that by the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 64/2022 dated 24.02.2022, a military station was introduced in the country with a wide range of mobilization to the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the established borders around the borders of Ukraine up to 60 people in the state.
Conducted communications of the police of Lviv region