Кримінальні події

Police have detained an intruder involved in the stab wounds of a Lviv resident

За скоєне підозрюваному загрожує покарання – до восьми років позбавлення волі

On June 18, at about 2:30 p.m., hotline 102 received a report from medics that a man with stab wounds to the chest and abdomen had been found on Naukova Street in Lviv.

The Investigative Task Force and other officers of the Lviv District Police Department №2 immediately left for the scene.

The measures taken by the criminal police operatives established that that day a 44-year-old local resident came to visit one of the apartments on Naukova Street. There, a conflict broke out between him and a 43-year-old Lviv resident, during which the detainee stabbed the victim twice. The injured man left the apartment on the street, where he was found unconscious.

The malefactor was detained in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, the court will soon choose a measure of restraint for him. Material evidence was seized.

Investigators of the territorial police unit, under the procedural guidance of the Frankivsk District Prosecutor’s Office, opened a criminal case under Part 1 of Article 121 (Intentional grievous bodily harm) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for a term of five to eight years.

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

Lviv Oblast Police Communication Department

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