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Law enforcement officers detained the head of the historical environment protection department of the Lviv City Council

Посадовця Львівської міськради затримали на хабарі

Today, August 15, in Lviv, law enforcement officers detained the acting head of the historical environment protection department, Heorhiy Korneev.

He is suspected of receiving an illegal benefit and abuse of official position.

Source: press service of the LMR.

Law enforcement officers are conducting a search in the building of the historical environment protection department. The Lviv City Council promises to assist in the investigation.

We will remind, in Lviv, the head of the Main Department of the State Production and Consumer Service in Lviv region and the head of one of the departments of the same department were exposed and informed about the suspicion. They are accused of offering and providing an illegal benefit to an official in a responsible position (Part 3 of Article 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

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