Кримінальні події

In the Chervonograd district, criminals stole money from a serviceman – the police established the identity of the criminals

До скоєння крадіжки причетні 38-річна жінка та 45–річний чоловік, мешканці сусідньої області

The police of the Lviv region exposed the perpetrators involved in the theft of a significant amount of funds belonging to a serviceman of the Armed Forces

Employees of the Chervonohrad District Police Department were able to promptly locate and detain the perpetrators thanks to video surveillance cameras installed in the settlement where the theft occurred as part of the “Safe Lviv Region” program.

The police received a report about the theft of a significant amount of money from a private house located in one of the villages of the Chervonohrad district at noon on October 24. According to the applicant, the money belonged to her brother, a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who has been fighting for many months, protecting the independence and territorial integrity of our state.

An investigative and operative group, operatives of the criminal police, precinct officers and employees of other services of the Chervonograd district police department worked at the scene.

“After inspecting the territory of the household and the house from which the funds were stolen, it was established that at that time the residents were in another building, and the intruder entered the residence through the front door and escaped through the window. As part of the “Safe Lviv Region” program, video surveillance cameras are installed on the streets of the settlement, so the policemen, having studied the records, determined that a woman who left the village on the highway, got into a Volkswagen Passat, which she was waiting and went in the direction of Chervonograd, – said the head of the Chervonograd district police department, police lieutenant colonel Vasyl Shimon.

Later, the law enforcement officers traced the route of movement of “Passat” and found it in the territory of the Volyn region. It was established that a 38-year-old woman and a 45-year-old man, residents of the neighboring region, were involved in the theft. Cash and other physical evidence were seized from them.

Based on this fact, the investigators of the territorial division of the police, under the procedural leadership of the Chervonograd District Prosecutor’s Office, opened criminal proceedings under Part 4 of Article 185 (Theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The maximum punishment provided by the sanction of the article is up to eight years of imprisonment.

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

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