Кримінальні події

In Lvov, the participants of the malicious group were judged, as they claimed counterfeit goods under the appearance of a home brand

In view of the wrongdoing criminals, the purchases of that company were given a sum of 1 million 800 thousand hryvnias.

the police of Lviv region together with the operatives of the Office for Preventing Cybercriminals in the Lviv region, for procedural security of the Lviv regional prosecutor’s office.

As the right guardians established, the evildoers on the Internet spread rumors about the sales of mobile phones, headphones, chargers and other accessories of the same brands, which are seen as the original goods. Natomist, goods for the sale of figurantes were ordered from China, after which they were packed in a box with trademark logos.

In view of the wrongful evil group of purchases, that company was given a sum of money for a total sum of 1 million 766 thousand hryvnias. Її vіdshkodovano.

During the pre-trial investigation, law enforcement officers conducted 17 searches in the territory of Lviv and Volyn regions for the place of residence and in the cars of the officials, as well as in the rented office, in which the call center was surveyed. It was revealed that computer equipment, mobile phones, headphones, chargers, branding (packaging materials) and other speech proof of illegal activity.

Slіdchі povіdomili organ_zator that participants of malicious group about pіdozru in skoєnnі pravoporushennya, peredbachenny part 3 st. The sanction of the state transfer of early punishment – a fine of ten thousand to fifteen thousand non-submission of the minimum income of the bulk of the people with the right to seize the song, plant and engage in singing activity on the lines of up to three years, or without it.

The pre-trial investigation is completed, the indictment is scrutinized for the court to see.

Conducted communications of the police of Lviv region

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